Despite its popularity, Hapa Kule show actors are paid peanuts.
Several actors among them Mang'ondu, Ras Njoro, Afande Supu, Makulukulu
and Muthiri, have been fired after they complained of poor pay. Apparently, they
are paid a mere Ksh 8,000 per month.
When the five actors
demanded to be added an extra Ksh 2,000, they were shown the door. Producers of Hapa Kule show claim that KTN has been paying them peanuts and
that’s why they can’t afford to pay their actors well.
Only the show’s
big-wigs among them Fred Omondi, Abel Mutua and Njugush have been retained.
On Wednesday, the producers
of the popular show conducted an audition to scout for new talent after the
five actors were fired.
Most local actors are
paid peanuts and despite their fame, they are languishing in poverty as their
bosses smile all the way to the bank.